Dano's Place
Remember Isaiah, (chapter 6), when he was taken into Gods Inner Sanctum, he lived in a society of foul language, so common that perhaps he didn't even perceive or feel the guilt of everyday speech he was used to hearing and speaking. Yet one of the Seraphims took white hot coals from the Altar and touched his lips to purify his mouth. If perhaps one of the Holiest of men of his time fell prey to this, imagine our sad condition, how can we possibly escape the clutches of sin, and without Jesus Christ, how can we escape the wrath of God? In a barage of liberal Newspapers, radio, and television how can we see the truth through the all the smoke?
For the first time in the history of mankind we have the technological power to end all life on earth, this is spoken of in the book of Revelation. Since before the time of the Christian Reformation of Calvin and Martin Luther, men have questioned how long a day was in Creation, today is no different with the battle between evolution and creation. It is important to all Christians, and those who wonder with questions, just how powerful God really is.
I have heard many people question why, why would God condemn us for eternity? Why did God allow Adam and Eve to fall? I once heard a comedian state, "I can't believe in a God who gives us ten rules to live by, and if you break the rules you will burn forever in Hell, because He loves us"! What a sad statement to make, this is taking a very shallow look at religion with a closed mind. Everyone knows John 3:16, but few read the next 5 verses that follow: