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The Creation Compromise

Here is a quote from a book review:

This book is revealing a Typical Young Earth Creationism (YEC). These people have a good and great zeal to defend the Christian Faith. I commend them for that. But I must say in a loving way that their method is UNSCIENTIFIC. It is misleading and untruthful. We cannot defend truth by using part-truth. Either way, this is still lying! How can anyone defend a good cause with bad tools? This will destroy the Christian witness of the gospel.

As a theologian and Scientist I must refute the young earth creationist movement. Many Christian Leaders and Theologians are opposing young earth creationism because of their lies. The scientist community (including Christian scientists) rejects the kind of pseudoscience promoted and distributed by YEC.

First off let me say that believing in God and believeing in His omnipotence has nothing to do with science what so ever.  If you must use science to prove anything, then how do you prove God?  You cannot see Him, you cannot touch Him, You cannot physically hear Him in a way that the world hears, yet I believe in Him whole heartedly.

Secondly, old earth creationists believe God created the Heavens and the earth, but allowed billions of years for the earth and His creation to evolve.  First off, it seems almost absurd to me that God could create everything from nothing, but then allowed this creation to come into it's present state by the laws of science He created over a vast period of time.  If god created everything, He certainly did not need to take billions of years to form it into what He wanted, and He most certainly did not have to conform to OUR beliefs of how He did it. 

Here is a man that claims himself to be a theologian, yet he disputes a sudden earth/universe dispite the evidence of Genesis chapter 1.  In reading his entire review, he does believe God exists, but he states that those of us who believe in a young earth creation will have to answer to God for this interpretation.  Let me clearly state here, I am not the one interpreting.  Genesis chapter 1 uses the word Bara for the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the word bara means, "created from nothing".  Every day of the creation is also defined, not only as a day, but with the definitive statement the evening and the morning.  Believeing this to be a day literally is not interpreting, however on the other hand turning these days into thousands or millions of years is interpreting scripture, which we know as "Gods Word", and that to me would be something I do not want to face the creator with.  I don't think God will hold it against me because I believe His word, however if I must twist God to fit science as man understands it.  To put science before God is worshiping the creation instead of the creator since science is also a creation of God, (this man also stated this point, that God created science).

When Jesus walked the face of the earth with men, He straightened twisted limbs on cripples, He gave eyesight to people born blind, He cured people of diseases and cast out demons that from the way they were described sound similar to some psycological issues we know of today, like torrets syndrom, (pardon my spelling of the illness).  He did not do any of these things through surgical procedures, people did not have to attend therapy afterwords, the straightening of a crooked bone or limb was not a 6 week or 6 month procedure, so clearly He was beyond the realm of science.  We see the universe as a vastly huge place, infinitely large to our perspective, but size is relative. how big is God?  Look at the earth from the moon, and it is a large marble in the sky, to try to see a human from this viewpoint is feeble, and we may as well be non existent.

Science is a wonderful thing, and I believe it was established during the creation.  Science helps us to understand many things about the world around us, but it should be used to teach us the perspective of Gods perfection and uniformity in creation. 

Interpretation on the other hand can be a dangerous thing, Satan Himself will probably use Biblical interpretation and scripture to deceive the masses, including many who believe themselves to be Christians, but who believe the word of God to be in error.  God made no mistakes, God has seperated man from the spirit world for a reason which I may address when I get to the riddle, (I just keep coming up with so many other things to discuss, I hope I live long enough).  Science was not put here for us to use to prove His omnipotence, but perhaps it is here to provide yet another stumbling block.  I don't think God wants people who believe in Him because they can prove Him, (although the evidence can certainly help grow your faith), He wants people to believe in Him and to believe His word, on faith!  If God wanted to prove Himself to the masses and the scientists, He would simply come into our presence and remove all doubt, but that would be antithetical to faith based belief.  He is not looking for the doubters, He is looking for the believers.

If I must choose between the science and Gods word, I will take Gods word.  In the book of Revelation at the end of time God says He will destroy the heavens and the earth and create a new heaven and earth.  I believe this, I don't care if I'm called a Christian extremist, I'm not here to win any popularity contests.

Speaking of interpretations and popularity, please read my topic studies on the rapture.  My viewpoint is a most unpopular viewpoint because like the Jews expecting their King to come and rescue them from the Romans, which didn't happen, I think the world of Christianity is looking for their King to come and rescue them from the persecution to come.  Whatever viewpoint you hold, please read this study.  It is not interpretive, but takes scripture literally.  I believe the pretribulation rapture is an interpretation that will cause millions to stumble because they are not prepared or don't think the tribulation has begun because they are still here.

Dan Dunkin


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