Roman Empire
Societies can fall in more than one way, Physiologically and Spiritually. In this first segment I will cover the potential Physiologial failure, and in the next segment coming soon I will cover the spiritual failure. Can the devil deceive you? Chances are he already has...
We have developed a sense of trusting man and modern medicine, instead of God and His guidance. The following snippets are from the website curezone
We should make people aware to the uncertainties of medicine. Not everybody will be cured and in some cases disasters will occur. That´s reality. Medical practice, by necessity, always will be based on trail and error.´ -- The American Medical Association´s Roy Schwarz, MD Group Vice-President of Scientific Education and Practice Standards
Iatrogenic illness -- disease produced as a result of medical treatment -- is now recognised as a health hazard of global proportions.
Lead - the downfall
Every Great Society in the past has had major downfalls due to their scientific innovation. Are we any better off because of the science we know? It isn’t the science we know that kills us, it is the science we don’t know.
Some of the most ancient of societal empires we may not know what problems befell them, but in the Roman Empire it has been speculated that clay pipes bringing running water into the city contained lead. Brilliant concept to pipe water in as opposed to people carrying buckets of water from the river, but their very own invention, it is what they didn't know that hurt them. There have always been some type of plague upon man, especially once he thinks he has it all figured out.
This happens on smaller scales as well, take the Titanic for instance, a ship that was built so strong that, as they say, "God couldn’t sink her", but God could, and even in the calmest seas, He did. Now we have so much technology, we are living in a time when knowledge is vastly increased, (Rev) our science is beyond anything man has concieved in the past, (to the best of our knowledge), but has our science and what we do know, placed an ice berg in our seemingly clear path?
Lead Poisoning
I guess we didn't get it in the fall of Rome, (if lead is the cause or leads to the cause of the fall of Rome), we come into the 20th century using color pigments that contail unhealthy levels of lead in them. What did we do with this potentially dangerous sunstance? We painted our homes with them, our childrens cribs, playhouses and just about everything else we painted. As time passed and our knowledge increased both in the fields of Chemistry and Biology, we discovered that there was a dangerous association between brain damage and eating paint chips. Next thing you know, it becomes a point of mortgage approval, the old lead based paints have to be scraped and painted over. I know, that is just one thing, and we caught it in time so it's cool, Right?
Wrong, there are many potential dealy plagues for modern man, explore a couple of them here>>>