As you progress in this concept you reach more and more unbreachable barriers to the evolution theory. Even Darwin himself was smart enough to realize that evolution could only occur if the cell was a simple organism, but the discovery of genetics has breached the simplicity. Genetics within a cell are a self replicating process that simply makes copies of existing DNA, DNA is a very complex set of instructions like an alphabet that defines the entire organism. Words cannot be misspelled, left out, or otherwise, failure to replicate properly can cause mutations most of which are detrimental, sometimes possibly beneficial, however they are not creative. In other words the natural process for replicating DNA does not include the option to add millions or even hundreds of thousands of genetic letters at random in order to produce a new specie of any kind. An error in one gene can cause life long debilitating problems. Lastly, if per chance it did create something beneficial and of a higher step in life forms, it would be more rare than one in a billion years, the copy process did somehow slip and allow the addition of a whole new set of instructions to perhaps improve the brain, include a new life prolonging organ, etc, it would simply be a random act that would not be seen repeated again for millions of years to come, if it could even happen again in an eternity, so this raises one serious question. Who would it mate with? Cross species cannot replicate where mutations can. Dogs can breed with wolves because they are simply canine mutations, but they cannot breed with a cat. If a specie had a creative mutation that would be evolutionary, and identical creative mutation would also have to occur at the same time and in the same proximity, otherwise this new specie of animal would be useless.
Think, think, think, it is not as simple as a picture of a tree with a lot of similar looking animals falling off the branches. Now if your starting to get the picture here, look at the human organism, take any one of the complex mechanisms in the body and see how it works. In my many pages I have written about the eyeball, and how could that possibly have evolved, I've written about the lungs and the whole chemical process the body goes through to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, pick anything. Blood and how it works within the body, it must have an entire network of vessels to carry it to each cell within the body. This is a very complex highway system that if created by random chance would certainly have left many cells unfed and the body would die from infected dead cells. Blood is also responsible for carrying nutrients, oxygen, bio waste, etc. It is almost impossible to look at the body as a whole and contemplate it intelligently and see how random additional DNA instructions could have developed to create something new within an organism which requires so many supportive organs and functions to make it work. Imagine throwing six dice across a six foot table at the same time, and having all six of them stack one on top of the other at the other end of the table, each supporting the weight of the die on top of it in a balanced fashion. This is what is required to create any one of the absolutely mind boggling cooperative systems within our body. When evolutionists say they have transitional life forms, they mean they can show an animal that looks similar to two other animals and must be somewhere in between. When I think transitional forms, I mean I want to see something that shows how all these things developed to begin with.