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Evolutionary Problems

What was science 20 years ago is laughable today.  Science always changes, but the truth never changes.  The Bible was true 2000, 4000, and held true 6000 years ago, and it hasn't changed yet.  Please take time to contemplate the processes involved in some of the statements or questions below, and you will see that evolution is not the simple selective process it appears to be on the surface.

1) The eyeball requires a lens or orifice which can focus an image behind it, the body of the eye must be stable, round, and matching in length to the focal length of the lens, the body of the eye must be able to hold within it a clear jell for the purpose of maintaining it's shape, there must be a complete image processor on the back of the eye, not one solid piece, but made up of millions of tiny pixes that can take the light they receive and convert it into electrical signals, there must be a complete wiring harness of nerves which take these signals to a complex data processing engine, and the complex processing engine must be able to make sense of the signals sent to it by the wiring harness, and muscles must be in place around the eye to move it and focus it within its focal range.

How does this evolve?  If all the parts did not evolve simultaneously, then the parts that evolved first would be a useless waste of energy in building with no benefit to the specimen, and therefore the specimen would breed it out because it is not needed.  If the eyeball evolved first without the wiring harness or even the lens or receptor screen, it would be a useless apendage and would probably cause the creature more harm than good.  each element can be looked at individually like this and the determination that selective breeding or natural selection would have no use for it, and therefore it would be a hinderance not a benefit which would in time cause it to be excluded from the genetic coding.

2) Genetic Reproduction is a fascinating thing.  Genetic strands are paired and matched, sometimes with errors, these errors or changes within the strands are called mutations but evolutionists claim these errors to be proof of evolution. Are they?  Every dog is a genetic mutation of the wolf, but are they evidence of evolution?  No, they don't have more complex genetic material, they don't contain additional genetic coding that wolves don't have, they have adaptations and in some cases a loss of genetic coding, and the real proof it is not evolution is they are all still canines.  You can breed a Wolf with a German Shepherd, but you cannot breed a Wolf with a feline. There are billions of additional instructions in the Human as opposed to the Chimpanzee, our supposedly closest relative, but for a genetic reproduction machine to have accomplished this would have been more difficult than to have a tape of a commercial, copy it over and over until you have a feature length movie.  It is more likely that Chimps are examples of De-evolution where some cosmic bombardment removed genetic instruction and left us with a race of apes. however the even more likely scenario is that they were created as another specie just like the Bible says, and have reproduced after their own kind since the beginning of time, about 6,000 years ago.

3) Specie reproduction is a critical issue.  Lets assume that somehow a 1 percent addition of genetic material and instruct did randomly happen upon the birth of one individual specie of animal making him slightly different and a true genetic evolutionary step forward.  Since we have physically observed life for thousands of years and have never seen this actually happen, we can scientifically say this would be an extremely rare event.  But since we are presuming that this did happen somewhere, now we have another problem.  This animla may have to be capable of living for a million years before it sees another evolutionary step, and then must hope that it is relatively identical so it can breed.  Without a matching mate, the specie would die.  We can cross breed donkeys with horses and get mules, and even though donkeys and horses appear to be very closely related, their offspring is sterile and cannot reproduce.  This is a huge hurdlke for evolutionists to over come.

4) Latest evolutionary news, Bacterial evolution I've seen this one boasted about lately, they have proven evolution in a particular bacteria, so I ask a couple simple questions.  1, what is it now? (remember the wolf and dog mutation=canine not evolution). 2) how long before we can expect to see this evolutionary process develop legs and walk out of the petrie dish?


Additional Observations

5) The Atomic dichotomy of the Neucleus Atoms are made of positive and negative particles, (among a few other particles), and the strength in the atom is the same number of electrons as there are protons, (or positrons), so the charges are balanced.  The reason being, like charges repel and opposite charges attract.  You cannot easily make the north poles of two magnets touch, and when the pressure you apply to hold them together is removed, they fly apart.  If an atom lacks an electron, the atom does not fly apart, it quickly seeks the attraction of a negative charge to balance it back out, and we see this regularily in electrical storms.  So, here is the tough question.  Why does the atom hole together?

more to come with links and resources



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