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Genesis 1:1

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

"In the Beginning", of course Moses was not referring to the beginning of God or of Christ, but the beginning of time. Time of course is a concept based on the measure of movement, the earths rotation measures 24 hours, it's trip around the sun measures a year, etc. In the face of emptiness, or before the existence of matter, there would be no movement, and the concept of time would be non existent. Beyond our comprehension is a dimension of timelessness that has always existed and will always exist, and when the universe is destroyed time will be destroyed with it, therefore In the beginning not only denotes the beginning of the creation of the heavens and the earth, but the actual beginning of time as we know it, and time itself is created at the moment God creates the Heaven and the Earth.

The word Moses used for the word "Created", is the word bara. There are two Hebrew words that could have been used to define creation, one is Yatsar, the other is bara. Yatsar means to frame or form, while the word bara is a distinct word to create, from nothing. If God had the Big Bang matter to work with then Moses would have accurately used the word Yatsar to show God took what existed and formed the heaven and the earth. I believe it profoundly important to read accurately and understand the Word of God as written, for if it does not mean what it says then Gods word has no value. If Gods word were incorrectly written, I believe god would have corrected it, even if His only method of doing so would have been to supernaturally edit the source, therefore, God CREATED, from out of nothing, the Heaven and the Earth. The quicker this concept is grasped by the skeptic, the quicker you will truly understand God's power, and the greater the skeptics faith will be.

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