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Genesis 1:14-19

to divide the day from the night; The lights are now to divide the day from the night. When God first created light, I would imagine that the earths rotation was already established as there is no mention of a changing of the times of day and night. Unlike scientific skepticism here, it is quite possible that when God said let there be light, before the creation of the sun and moon, he may well have lit the entire earth with His righteousness and it is possible everything was lit simultaneously, then God commanded the sun and moon into place and established an order of light for the day and darkness for the night. The Sun emits light, and the moon reflects light, which I think is interesting and even metaphorical in that God is the light emitter, and Satan is a light reflector, Gods Son was the light of mankind, and Satan is the ruler of darkness. Satan also only has whatever power God allows him to have at any given time.

and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years... There have been more than a few who have eluded to the signs as being astrological for their own convenience and argument to justify divination, however God has clearly throughout the Old Testament condemned divination and astrology. Further more Moses did not waste his time in astrology, therefore would not have condoned such activity within the framework of Gods' word. If you look at the rest of the verse, for seasons, for days and nights, and for years, the passage is clearly focused on the use of the lights in the heavens for signs of natural means, the coming of summer and winter, for planting and harvesting, etc. We grew up in school learning that the Native Americans spoke in terms of a number of moons and spoke of other terms of time by way of the Heavenly lights. Sea bearing vessels and travelers could guide their course by use of the stars, even when the sun and moon were not present. God did not create signs in the heavens for the use of frivolous divination of peoples future or fortune.

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