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Revelation Intro

Revelations has been one of the seemingly mystical books whose writings are difficult to understand.  There are a lot of cross references to much of the material, but rather than to slow down the process, I want to start with the end time prophecy following the letters to the seven churches.  I think when you read my study of Revelation, you will see clearly the direction and method of Johns writing, and you will not be lost in the dark anymore.

The Great Deception that will open the door to the Antichrist will, in my humble belief, opinion and interpretation, will be hinged on a global world war, involving nuclear weaponry.  This war is going to be so devastating to societies security and morale that it will open the door to many peoples minds for a solution in the form of a savior, even if that savior is a false savior.  Think about this, if you've ever been in an accident or have been devastated by something, then psychologically you are in a state of shock.  Remember the war against Iraq, the "Shock and awe" treatment, was designed to completely demoralize the troupes and after several days of endless bombing, sleep depravation, fear and tremor, 90+% of Saddams military was ready to walk right over to the enemies camp.  Imagine the people of the world watching and waiting as nuclear warheads are striking back and forth, taking out cities, killing millions, the shock of 9-11 will be a mere pimple on the shock of this magnitude. Now imagine one man, or one country with a secret weapon so devastatingly powerful that the rest of the world will stop in their tracks in awe, dumbfounded and unable to fight against it.  Imagine on the heels of such a devastating war that one man seems to come in with all the answers, and His interpretation just might be, that was the battle Armageddon, the Apocalypse, the war to end all wars.  He might even say, if he had not solved the issues and come in when he did, there would be no life left on earth.

Add to this deception, what if the pre tribulation rapture does not occur, (I have done studies showing God's word, and in Revelation you will see the people in Heaven and where they came from), now the devil has not only the shock of the people, but devastating news...  This is not the tribulation, if it were, why are you still here?  Oh the ways he could use that misinterpretation, God broke his promise? (even though that promise does not really exist) Maybe he will say the rapture did occur instantaneously and the new kingdom is set up now.  The deception will be tremendous, it will be unbelievable, ... no make that too believable!!  Imagine, this man is going to show great signs and wonders, so great that if it were possible, even Gods VERY ELECT would be deceived.  There are some real surprises ahead of us, are your ready, do you study Gods Word yourself?

Now, add one more significant psychological tool, that of being outnumbered in thought.  When everyone around you, all those you meet, are all saying, this is true, check it out, read this, interpret that, you are the one being deceived, you have been deceived all this time, the Bible has been interpreted wrong all along, we have proof, this is the Messiah, the same one Israel has been waiting for all along.  Your faith will be shaken at it's roots to test it's strength, then when there is a shadow of doubt, your choice will be to continue believing as you do and be arrested and die, or come along with the crowd, after all if everyone knows it is true, it must be,.... right?

School is a wonderful thing, it can also be a bad thing.  When schools get something wrong, then rather than being a place of education, it can become a place of indoctrination.  Public schools have mixed Darwinian theory of evolution with science and hammer our children with it so thoroughly, that a whole generation of evolutionists are being churned out, weakening God, breaking the foundation of the Bible, it is Satans perfect weapon.  If cells and genetics were different and did not fit the mold of evolutionary processes being taught today, he would have devised another way to prove to us, (as best he can), that the Bible is wrong, and that we are not the creation of God. In the same way, even seminary's can be good or bad. There have been, and I believe even today, doctrinal or interpretive issues that have been so vastly researched, and so over zealously worked, that they churn out people convinced that something Biblically is so, even if it is not.  Some of these misinterpretations I believe have to do with end time prophecy, because there is more than one area of the Bible where it makes reference to it not being understood until the time for which it is meant.  Yet some of these interpretations that are still taught today were interpreted hundreds of years ago.  I would have to say that Biblically if they have been taught for over 100 years, then they are wrong, if they are not then they were understood before their time which is a direct contradiction to the scripture.

I will be adding cross references to this later, but there is much to cover and many cross references to make, so many statements I make referencing verses in the Bible will be added in at a later date.

OK, I've probably said enough, I don't want to bore you, let's move forward..  Dano


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