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Genesis 1:2-3

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

I really love this verse, God speaks to his creation for the first time. I do not believe this should be confused with John 1:1, in the beginning was the word... The actual Greek word used for word is Logos, which does not directly translate to the word, "Word", but rather a concept as in wisdom, His eternal Love, etc. Here in verse 3 God is speaking, "said" is a verb while in John 1, "word" is a noun.

This paragraph interjected on 9/12/05 - Non Believers, or those who hold to mans understanding of science fail to comtemplate this verse properly and call the verse in error, because God has created light before he created the sun and moon and stars. Their failure in calling this verse in error is not understanding the difference between the physical world and the spiritual world. There is also an error in determining what light is exactly, we only visualize a very tiny spectrum of light, while there is an immense range of light spectrum we cannot see. Into the deep infra-reds and the ultra violets, some of which can be given off by universal events other than a fusion reacting sun. Many insects have been determined to be able to see well into the ultraviolet light spectrums that we cannot see, so who are the sceptics to say what God can see as light? Also we can only consider light as being moving particles, (in particular Photons), but as a spirit and by the power of God, is this the only light that can be found? I don't think God requires Photons to light any path, nor does he need some elemental body like the sun to produce light for Him. In fact when God withdraws His providential care from the universe, the nucleus of every atom will fly apart as they are composed of like charges which should never be so close together to begin with, and the description of the end of this world and the creation of a new heaven and earth in Revelation tends to leave one with the impression of this is exactly what will happen, and while those who choose to disbelieve in God and call only on the natural world they see before them, it will happen to them as well, whether they choose to believe or not.

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