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Genesis 1:2-3

God speaks Light into existence, and does so before the creation of the sun, moon, and stars. Our problems occur when we try to apply our understanding to Gods word, when we try to convert the 6 days into eons of time, or when we try to say God had to do this or that because that is how we see it to be. The same applies here, God creates light without a Sun to emit this light. It is very likely that this light then also exists without the movement of Photons or light particles. We do not understand this concept but this is because all we know of our own understanding is what we are taught about the world and science of existence around us. God is not confined to this limited existence, if He is then Gods word and all our hopes for eternity might just as well be washed aside and abandoned because His power would be reduced to an understanding and manipulation of matter very similar to our own understanding, and if this be true then Satan telling us we would be like Gods would not be far from the truth. God speaks light into existence, and just as matter became from nothing, so light most likely came from nothing as well, except from the power of Gods almighty will.

Dan Dunkin

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