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Genesis 1:4

We were given a job from the very beginning, before the fall we were made stewards of the earth and all that is in it, but before the fall our job outlines and our nature were such that the work was to be a pleasure to us, after the fall, with sweat we will toil. We cannot go back and correct the wrong, but we can still be obedient to God by performing our job, whatever it may be, in meekeness and putting forth our best effort, not to please our boss, but to please God in our obedience, knowing that there is a great reward when the work is completed.

Now, I like doing artwork, and I take my time and meticulously work on a single piece of art for hours on end, and when I finish, I look at it, and I see what I worked hard toward. I think Gods action of taking the time to look at His light He created is a message to us, to put our best forward, to take satisfaction in our labors, and we will know it is good.

Secondly, from my own perspective, I see something else. Of course neither Calvin of the reformation, nor David of the Old Testament knew that light was made from Photons, or any other little particles. If you take notice, God has created light before He created the sun, moon, and stars. This light radiated from seemingly nowhere, and with no physically emminating mass, God simply said, "Let there be light", and there it was. Since light as we know it emits from some type of molecular or atomic reaction, we see light as tiny particles which provide us with a visual perspective, almost like the same way radar works, however in this instance God has not yet created the light emmiting bodies in universe yet, and likewise, contrary to our understanding, I believe this light probably existed without photons. We are so finite and so limited in our understanding, and yet we repeatedly try to fit Gods work into our tiny little perspective, light just could not exist without photons in our feeble minds, but I don't believe God needs photons any more than he neads the Solar Nuclear reactor to create it.

David had the faith of a child, he trusted god implicedly, he knew god could do anything, with or without the physical world we are confined to, and he took this so deep to his heart and soul, even a 10 foot giant with a spear that had a point on it the weight equivalent of a bowling ball, could not shake his faith. He knew God was with him because he believed in God to that extent, and no giant can beat a 12 year old with God on his side in any kind of fight.

I remember being a child, and I am relearning it as I watch my own children, and their faith and the things they pray for, and the results I have seen, are remarkable. This verse should set us on a course beyond our own feebleness, our own understanding, and put our trust and faith undeniably in God, who can light your path, even if you are here during the tribulation and the sun refuses to shine. He can light the darkest corridors of our hearts and minds as well.

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