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Genesis 1:6-8

Creations vs Evolution appologetics
There are so many questions that face evolutionists, that they really have to violate scientific laws in order to make things work, or they simply ignore evidence that is found. Mule jaw bones dated to be 250 million years old, later discovered to be the bone of a mule perhaps only 75 years old. Mammoths were once believed to have existed over 250 million years ago, until they were found to have been hunted and their bones used for tools by the Hopewell and Adena Indians, then they were redated to be perhaps 2500 years ago. Carbon dating supports all of these claims, from 75 years to 250 million years, yet it is upheld by evolutionists as being accurate primarily because it can support their claims, even though it has been so drastically wrong. The science of genetics requires replication of one gene splice to the next, it is never creative in true science because the replication process has no knolwedge of what the coding means, it simply replicates, sometimes with an error, or the loss of genetic material, never with the gain of added information, yet somehow they say evolution, which defies this science is scientific. Evolution requires gradual yet profitable alterations, yet an eyeball would never be profitable in any stages leading up to sight except for sight itself.

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