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Then you have the problem of genetics, now here is real evidence of non evolutionary science. Gene's are self replicating, this is a scientific fact. They make copies of themselves, with the exception that sometimes something is lost in the translation just like making a copy of a movie on tape, then make a copy of the copy, and a copy of that copy, eventually you have a very bad copy of the original. Copying a commercial through a billion generations will not yield a feature length presentation of the Sound of Music or Gone with the Wind, yet in the face of scientific fact of this dilemma evolutionists who are afraid to give up on Evolution because the alternative would be to admit the possibility of a real God, so they say this still has to happen and they can't even explain what kind of phenomenon could cause a creative change from one creature to another which will actually ADD new components of genetic structure. There are forces like X-rays and Gamma rays which can alter genetic strands, but by freak of chance it is a mathematic impossibility that this would cause the perfect alignment of genetic letters to perfect an eyeball or any other organ, not to mention an intelligent brain and the wiring that enables this eyeball to see something and decode it into a intelligible signal. Lets say that somewhere some cosmic ray DID INDEED create a mutation that was creative instead of destructive, the mathematical probabilities of a second one happening so that the new creature would have a breedable mate would not likely happen again unless the Big Bang theory were true and occurred a thousand times or more, then perhaps on some little planet somewhere in the galaxies there could be a mate for that astronomical anomaly, but it would be countless eternity's, (by our time standards), too late.

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