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Evolution vs. Creation

OK, I know the answer to this one, the first answer was spontaneous equilibrium, where some kind of event occurred in nature that caused sudden changes from one specie to another. When I heard this one, I jumped off the evolutionary band wagon in a hurry. Why? This is not science. Science develops theories, and then tests the theories through experimentation and discovery, with the very distinct attempt to prove the theory wrong. If it cannot be proven wrong, then it is given credibility to possibly being scientific fact. When evidence supports distinct family traits without the steps between species, this should scientifically discredit the theory and other options should be sought, instead, another theory is developed to explain why the first theory doesn't prove out. This is why I say this is not science. For some reason it appears punctuated equilibrium didn't pan out, so now they are saying there are time periods that are missing in geologic records, I guess layer upon layers of earth built up over millions of years just vanished. Must be the UFO's coming to mine our precious top soil, (just kidding of course).

This was only the beginning of my journey to the realization that evolutionary science is not a science at all. Let's look at life itself. Even at the smallest level, cells live for one reason, to eat, multiply, and die. It is a vicious world out there, and you either eat or get eaten, but for single cells to decide to combine into groups, they must suddenly overcome this natural instinct and as if by intelligence decide they can do much better as a community. This is important because for evolution to work, you have to develop a point between individualism and communal lifestyles at the simplest level. Once clumped together into small groups, now you have to overcome the natural instinct of survival, and fight or hunt for food for your buddies that are living on the inside of the cluster. Now these creatures of natural design suddenly have to work for the survival of others and not themselves, again as if by intelligent behavior.

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