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Evolution vs. Creation

Once this progresses to the point of organism, you now have opposing types of cells combining together, ones who in the past may have eaten each other, working together to pass the benefits of each other back and forth. In order for this to work and be reproducible, not only do these individual creatures have to fight their own nature to accomplish this, they must implant genetically the design of each so the group can reproduce another group just like it. Even at this complex level, there is some feasibility, but lets look at a complicated organ in an organism. How about your lungs. Your lungs are designed to use those single celled creatures, once only living to survive, to take carbon dioxide away from the body it will poison and kill, and exchange the carbon dioxide for oxygen in order to feed ALL the different organs of the body. Simple, just a chemical reaction, but for this chemical reaction to be beneficial, these little critters need a complex highway system that will insure they reach every single cell within the organism, a complex highway system unmatched by our own intelligent design within our country. Also in order for the lung to accomplish this, it cannot just be a huge balloon, in order to efficiently exchange the poisonous gasses for O2, it must be designed in such a way that nearly all the O2 that is drawn in must come to a very close proximity with those cells, which means the lung itself must be designed like a very complex sponge with no only a bunch of tiny air sacs, but it must also have a branching highway system that splits off the air intake into two segments, then branch off into hundreds more, then more, and eventually down to little tiny air sacs called alveoli. These little tiny air sacs are only about 5 microns in diameter.

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